The Hawaiian Green Turtle
Where in the world is your animal found?
Hawaii U.S
What is the diet of your animal?
Sponges, seaweed, algae
What is the habitat of your animal?
French Frigate Shoals, Benthic feeding grounds
Is your animal a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore?
The Hawaiian Green Turtle is omnivorous
Is your animal a primary, secondary or tertiary animal?
Tertiary animal
Who are your animals main predators?
Humans because it is possible ingestion of marine debris.Another threat is fibropapilloma tumor the rapid deterioration of it`s foraging sites
Why your animal is endangered?
It was a source of food, tools and ornamentation for the early hawaiians
"The Hawaiian Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas)." The Hawaiian Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas). 1 Apr.
2004. 1 Apr. 2004 <>.
Eric Stirman
Comments (5)
Anonymous said
at 1:04 pm on Dec 14, 2007
Hi Eric! I was just wondering why you haven't put on two information resources?
Anonymous said
at 1:06 pm on Dec 14, 2007
Great job!
Anonymous said
at 1:14 pm on Dec 14, 2007
awesome job eric!
Anonymous said
at 3:12 pm on Dec 14, 2007
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome nice picture
Anonymous said
at 8:37 pm on Dec 16, 2007
Did it mention where the tumor is from? Is it a gentetic defect? Good job!
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