




T H E   E L E P H A N T



By Andrea Mandzuk

 Sumatran elephant

This African Elephant lives in Indonesia.             


picture from http://www.worldwildlife.org/elephants/








B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N


 elephant's foot

picture from http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Elephant&page=6

Where in the world is
your animal found?
Elephants live in Eastern, Southern and West Africa.
What is the diet of your
Elephants eat grass, water plants,leaves, roots, bark, branches, and fruit of trees and shrubs 
What is the habitat of your animal?
The Habitat of the Elephant is hot, and humid. The land is dry. 
Is your animal a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore?
 The Elephant is a herbivoire.
Is your animal a primary, secondary or tertiary animal?
 The Elephant is a primary consumer.
Who are your animals main predators?
Poachers are the Elephants main predator. 
Why your animal is endangered?
 The Elephant is endangered because of the many poachers hunting them for their ivory tusks.


 Elephant Nature Center

picture from http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Elephant&page=6






D I D   Y O U   K N O W



    •  The Elephant is the largest animal that lives on land.
    •  Elephants are commonly used in the circus, they can lie down, roll over, dance, and preform other tricks
    • Elephants communicate in many different ways, including postures, gestures, odors, and, especially, sounds
    • Elephants usually eat for about 16 hours everyday.
    • Elephants like to roll around in mud because it protects them from the bugs, and the harmful rays of the sun.
    • The Elephants most keen sense of touch is in its trunk.
    • Elephants have very poor eye sight because their eyes are small in relation to their enormous head.
    • The Elephant can not turn its head completely. It can only see in front and to the side.
    • The largest elephant was 10 tons.
    • The Elephant is extremely strong and highly intelligant









 B I B L I O G R A P H Y

"Elephants." Elephants. 2007. World Wildlife Fund. 10 Dec. 2007 <http://www.worldwildlife.org/
 "African Elephants." African Elephants. 2007. 10 Dec. 2007 <http://www.arkive.org/species/GES/mammals/Loxodonta_africana/more_info.html>. 

Moss, Cynthia. "Elephant." World Book Online Reference Center. 2007. [Place of access.]  10 Dec. 2007 <http://worldbookonline.com/wb/Article?id=ar177700>.


Moss, Cynthia. "Elephant." The World Book Encyclopedia. 1999 ed. 1999. 226, 227.