Bald Eagle
Where in the world is your animal found?
North America, U.S.A
What is the diet of your animal?
dead animals, rabits, squirles, young dear and lambs
What is the habitat of your animal?
North America, U.S.A
Is your animal a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore?
Is your animal a primary, secondary or tertiary animal?
Who are your animals main predators?
Why your animal is endangered?
hunters and traps killed many bald eagles
Interesting facts.
-can swim and dive for food |
Grier, James W. "Eagle." World Book Online Reference Center. 2007. [site of access.] 10 Dec. 2007
World Book Enclyclopedia
Grier, James W. "The Bald eagle." World Book Encyclopedia. 2004 ed. Vol. 6. world book. N.p.: World
Book inc, n.d. 4.
Scott, Marvin. "Ketchikan Photos Photographs of Ketchikan and Southeast Alaska." Ketchikan. 2006. 14
Dec. 2007 <>.
Matthew vG
Grier, James W. "The Bald eagle." World Book Encyclopedia. 2004 ed. Vol. 6. world book. N.p.: World
Book inc, n.d. 4.
Comments (6)
Anonymous said
at 1:03 pm on Dec 14, 2007
i love the first picture!!:D
Anonymous said
at 3:10 pm on Dec 14, 2007
the first picture looks cool!
and good work on your research.
hope you come to mine -_-^
Anonymous said
at 3:15 pm on Dec 14, 2007
good job
Anonymous said
at 7:25 pm on Dec 14, 2007
just wanted to let you know that you had spelled deer wrong but good job
Anonymous said
at 8:24 pm on Dec 14, 2007
Who did this???
Anonymous said
at 8:22 pm on Dec 16, 2007
Good job Matthew!
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